

Fertility Acupuncture is suitable for individuals, same sex couples and those trying to conceive naturally, embarking on egg harvesting, or undergoing fertility treatment.

Fertility Acupuncture is suitable for you if you have;

๐Ÿ’ฎ Been trying to conceive naturally but so far been unsuccessful?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Experienced a chemical pregnancy, missed miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage and feel anxious about another pregnancy?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Been told you have a low AMH, ovarian reserve, early-menopause and advised to use donor eggs?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Been diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts or a hormonal imbalance?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Been told you have elevated NK cells, after unsuccessful rounds of IVF?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Struggling with a partner who already has children or is resistant to having a baby or undergoing IVF?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Fortunate to conceive quickly your first child but nothing is happening when you try for a second?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Diagnosed with unexplained infertility?

๐Ÿ’ฎ Feeling out of sorts, not yourself, and in need of some support to rebalance and de-stress?

Fertility acupuncture at the Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic can help you.ย ย 

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic has vast experience and exposure to IVF protocols, fertility procedures & scientific medical research.ย 


Natural Conception

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture to support natural conception through hormonal balancing, & enhancing blood flow to the ovaries, womb and its’ lining.


Female Infertility

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We use acupuncture for PCOS, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, premature menopause etc.


Unexplained or Secondary Infertility

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We use acupuncture to support where there is no diagnosis or it seems a struggle to conceive again.



The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We use acupuncture to rebalance and prepare for another pregnancy where there is a history of miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage.


Male Infertility

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture to improve the sperm production process, sperm count, motility and other parameters.ย  Also suitable for sperm extraction & freezing.ย 



The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We use acupuncture to increase the chances of successful pregnancy in women undergoing IVF or IUI with or without donor egg/sperm.


Embryo Transfer

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We use the renowned Paulus et al acupuncture protocol, suitable for fresh or frozen embryo transfer.


Egg Harvesting

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in fertility acupuncture. We are proud to support women preparing for egg harvesting and IVF.ย  Whether this be a single or multiple cycle, we are highly experienced.


Stress & Relax

The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic appreciate that trying to conceive can be frustrating, overwhelming, and stressful. Acupuncture reduces cortisol, anxiety, supports the nervous system,ย  & aids relaxation.



The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic specialise in pregnancy acupuncture. We use acupuncture during the two week wait and all stages of pregnancy with intension to promote a viable pregnancy & healthy birth.


Children's Health

When you become pregnant, congratulations! The Canary Wharf Acupuncture Clinic support babies, children and teenagers with ‘Shonishin’, a gentle non-invasive Japanese style of acupuncture.

Our Latest Work

The Canary Wharf Fertility Acupuncture Clinic have worked with leading fertility consultants, gynaecologists, miscarriage specialists, doctors, obstetricians & midwives.ย 

As part of a reputable medical team, Charlotte was a fertility acupuncturist at the Zita West Fertility Clinic, founded by Zita West, leading fertility expert, author, and midwife.

Charlotte is a certified Zita West Fertility Acupuncturist offering private fertility acupuncture consultations in Blackheath and Canary Wharf.

The Zita West Fertility Clinic is now part of The CARE Fertility Group, a leading provider of fertility treatment in the UK and globally. They offer IVF, IUI, egg freezing, genetic screening, and other advanced fertility treatments.

CARE Fertility has been supported by a strong scientific and clinical backbone with the founder, Simon Fishel, being part of the team involved in the birth of the world’s first IVF baby in 1978.

Charlotte has led educational acupuncture workshops in the Assisted Conception Unit of Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital.

Charlotte has led pregnancy acupuncture workshops at the midwifery-led Barkantine Birth Centre, Canary Wharf.

She has incorporated pregnancy acupuncture and maternity reflexology at home births and in hospital.


Canary Wharf Fertility Clinic
Fertility Acupuncturist Canary Wharf
Acupuncture for Men

Let’s Start this new journey togetherย 
Say Hello!

To book an acupuncture or reflexology appointment in Blackheath or Canary wharf, please use the contact form below or email info@acupuncturespace.com

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